Turmeric Extract

Turmeric's cancer-fighting properties are called curcumin.  Turmeric's anti-cancer effects are not news.  Turmeric (Latin scientific name: Curcuma longa L.) also known as: turmeric, baoding xiang, hao Ming, turmeric and so on. Turmeric plantain order, ginger, curcuma perennial herbaceous plant, plant height 1 ~ 1.5m, the rhizome is very developed, the root is stout, the end is swollen into a root;  Leaf blade oblong or elliptic, apex shortly acuminate;  Bracts ovate or oblong, pale green, apex blunt, corolla pale yellow;  Flowering is August.


Product name

Turmeric extract

Botanical name

Curcuma longa L.

Part of Plant Used


Product Code


Analytical method


Curcumin 20%



Curcumin 30%



Curcumin 50%



Curcumin 65%



Curcumin 95%


*Customized specifications available upon request

Text introduce

Text introduce

1.What is Curcumin?

Curcumin is a natural compound with excellent anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.  Curcumin is a diketone compound extracted from the roots of some plants in the ginger family and araceae. The chemical form is CHO₆.  Turmeric contains about 3% ~ 6% curcumin, which is a rare pigment with diketone structure in the plant kingdom.  Curcumin is orange yellow crystalline powder, taste slightly bitter, insoluble in water, mainly used in food production for coloration of intestinal products, canned products, sauces and other products.  Curcumin has the effects of lowering blood lipid, anti - tumor, anti - inflammatory, cholagogic and anti - oxidation

2.How Curcumin Works

Curcumin can increase the body's resistance to various inflammatory and infectious diseases.  Curcumin can promote the activity of the body's own antioxidant enzyme and significantly improve the antioxidant capacity of human body.  It can inhibit platelet aggregation, reduce plasma viscosity and whole blood viscosity, and inhibit bacteria.  It affects cancer cell cycle, development and molecular level spread, promoting cancer cell death.  The main heart benefit of turmeric is its ability to boost endothelial function and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

3.Benefits and Uses

Antioxidant, anti-aging

Inhibit tumor cell growth

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, cholagogic

Cure alcohol and protect liver

Hypolipidemic protects cardiovascular system


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