The efficacy and role of spirulina

Mar. 22. 2023

Spirulina is the algal body of various spirulina such as Spirulina platensis. Spirulina is one of the oldest microorganisms, its microfossils have existed for more than 3 billion years. Observed with a microscope, the shape of Spirulina is unbranched filamentous, like a coiled spring, which is blue-green. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations identified spirulina as "the most ideal food in the 21st century". Spirulina has very strict requirements on growth conditions: the water temperature should not exceed 30-35°C; the perennial light should be strong and long; the water body should be strongly alkaline; the water quality should be clean and pollution-free. At present, only three wild spirulina origins have been found in Africa, Mexico and Yunnan of my country.

The efficacy and role of spirulina

The efficacy of spirulina

Efficacy: reduce the toxic and side effects of cancer radiotherapy and chemotherapy; improve immune function; reduce blood lipids. Adjuvant treatment of main cancer; hyperlipidemia; iron deficiency anemia; malnutrition; physical weakness after illness; especially for the following symptoms: high blood pressure, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers disease, diabetes, cataract, liver disease, constipation and hemorrhoids, anemia.

health function

1. Lower Cholesterol

Lowering cholesterol can effectively prevent the onset of heart disease and stroke. The gamma-linolenic acid in spirulina can reduce the cholesterol contained in the human body, thereby effectively reducing high blood pressure, preventing heart disease and lowering cholesterol.

2. Regulate blood sugar

Spirulina is rich in nutrients and is an alkaline food. It can supplement nutrients to the human body, change the acidic body, and adjust metabolic activities. Eating together with Qiongzhen Ganoderma lucidum can regulate blood sugar and have a significant effect on stabilizing diabetes.

3. Boosts the immune system

Because both algal polysaccharides and phycocyanin in Spirulina can enhance the proliferation of bone marrow cells, promote the growth of immune organs such as thymus and spleen, and promote the biosynthesis of serum proteins, Spirulina has an immune-enhancing effect.

4. Protect the stomach

Most patients with stomach problems are hyperacidity, leading to gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases, and spirulina is an alkaline food, spirulina contains high plant protein and rich chlorophyll, β-carotene, etc. These nutrients It is extremely effective for gastric acid neutralization and gastrointestinal mucosal repair, regeneration and normal secretion, especially suitable for gastrointestinal patients. By improving the intestinal environment, it also has the significance of adjuvant treatment for diabetic patients. Spirulina can improve emergency response capabilities, and has certain preventive and protective effects on diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, and kidney damage.

5. Anti-tumor, anti-cancer and anti-cancer

The mechanism of action of anti-mutation and anti-cancer drugs is related to the repair of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Algal polysaccharides, β-carotene, and phycocyanin in Spirulina all have this effect, so Spirulina has shown anti-tumor and anti-cancer effects. play an important role.

6. Prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia

Spirulina contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, of which linoleic acid and linolenic acid account for 45% of the total fatty acids, both of which are important components of phospholipids in the mitochondria of the cell membrane, which can prevent the accumulation of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver and blood vessels , to avoid damage to the normal physiological functions of the cardiovascular system.

7. Anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-fatigue

Free radicals are one of the root causes of human aging and disease, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) can catalyze the dismutation reaction to scavenge free radicals. Spirulina can reduce the oxygen free radical damage caused by exercise, protect the cell membrane structure, and has the effect of anti-exercise fatigue.

8. Anti-radiation function

Spirulina polysaccharides can resist radiation. The mechanism of Spirulina anti-radiation is related to the following factors:

(1) Spirulina contains a large amount of phycocyanin and algal polysaccharide, rich in protein and multivitamins (vitamin C and vitamin E, etc.), β-carotene and trace elements (selenium, zinc and iron, etc.) The active ingredients can increase the immune function of the body, relieve and alleviate the inhibitory effect of radiation on the immune system.

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